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How To Choose The Right Software For Your Business? Learn About Analysis of Alternatives

By Nymbl Team

We’ve all been there - endless meetings that seem pointless and achieve nothing. Businesses often struggle to clearly define their needs and objectives, especially when it comes to selecting a software that aligns with their goals. This road to digital transformation is often marred by pain points that can challenge even the most prepared organizations. One of the major challenges is spending too much time and money on the wrong platform.

What are the potential costs of picking the wrong platform?

- Annual subscription: $40K – $150K

  • Implementation cost: $30K to $100K

Total Cost: $70K – $250K

Other Costs: (estimate)

  • Time loss of 6-12 months
  • Effort on stakeholders to re-train
  • Losing internal support to use low code due to duplicate efforts

What is Analysis of Alternatives and how can it help pick the right software or platform?

Analysis of Alternatives or AoA, is simply a structured hands-on evaluation of multiple technologies and comparing different solutions to a problem. It could also mean replacing a core system which you’ve long been wanting to do. Nymbl’s AoA evaluates your use case(s) and team strengths against the leading platforms in the industry and provides a recommendation and roadmap. Our AoA includes demonstrations from the platforms being analyzed. By using defined criteria and systematic analysis, AoA helps eliminate biases and ensures decisions are objective and uses logical reasoning. 

What is the process for Analysis of Alternatives?

Use Case Definition

Our experts analyze your situation and business case from different angles and present value to you as well as overall risk. We analyze your challenges, capability gaps, current solutions, future vision, and technology stack. We then work together to decide on which platform best fits your use case.

Assessment: Team and Skills

In this phase, we have several meetings with your team to assess the current experience, skill level and capability needed. This is key so we can take this into account for the fit of the future solution, sustainment, training needs and adoption challenges.

Company and Platforms Overview

Based on our initial evaluation, we present a list of the top 10 recommended vendors and create a shortlist of 3 to be used for the later steps. 

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

With the analysis done in step one and two, we have defined the categories used for scoring based on your priorities and what you need. Following this, we will conduct a quantitative and qualitative analysis. In the quantitative analysis we will build a POC of your use case in the shortlisted tools and score it against your priorities from these viable alternatives. In the qualitative analysis we look at the platform providers to assess their market standing, outlook, partner network and other factors to compile a thorough evaluation of the players for you. The results of the analysis will then be crucial in determining which of these platform providers are best suited to meet your business needs. 

Demonstrations of Evaluated Platforms

The deliverable for this part is demonstrating softwares of the three shortlisted platforms. We shall also share the results of the proof of concept.

Platform Recommendations

During this phase, we will present you with our final recommendations on what platform best suits your use case.


Using Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) for selecting the right software can significantly improve your business - whether it may be a tool to achieve a certain business goal or need, or a process you’d like to enhance. By carefully evaluating all options and considering factors such as cost, functionality, scalability, AoA ensures a comprehensive, objective and strategic approach to selecting a software. All these empower businesses like yours to make informed decisions that support success. 

Nymbl is a leading advisory and development agency experienced in Analysis of Alternatives. If you’re interested to learn more about AoA and how it can potentially help your business succeed, contact us here

Professional Services We Offer:

Bubble Partner

Flutterflow Partner

Jitterbit Partner

Mendix Partner

Retool Partner

Webflow Partner

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